Thursday, June 21, 2012

Subeh Tara

Name: Subeh Tara

Date of Birth: 15.10.2006

Birth Weight: 1.5 Kg
Subeh Tara

Weight: 9 kg (as on 21.06.2012)
Height: 80 cm

OFC: 42 cm

Blood Group: B(+ve)

6 month : Neck Control

15 months: Can sit.

2.5 Years: Can walk.

3 Years: Speak only single word like (Ma, kaka, Mama)

3.5 Years: Can sentence make.

But can understand like normal children and want to do everything of home work like the people of surrounding her.



Building of the cervical spine through the foreman magnum in to the cranial cavity is noted.
Tip of the odontoid process is compressing the cervicomedullary junction resulting in bowing of this structure.

There is gross cerebellar tosillar herniation in to the cervical spine.
Normal gray and white matter signal intensities are noted in both cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres. Both lateral and third ventricle are grossly dilated with ballooning of the corpus callosum.

Pituitary, parasellar areas optic chiasma, thalami, basal ganglia and pons appear normal in signal characteristics and morphology.

There are suggestion of dysplstic occipital bones with calcified posterior falx cerebri. CP angles are clear. Visualized cranial nerves appear normal.


Features in favor of Chiary I hind brain malformation with platybasia and basilar invagination along with gross triventricular hydrocephalus.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friday, September 17, 2010



Disc, Macula, Backgrud is normal.
No effect on fundus due to hydrocephalus. (as on 01.09.2009)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

CT of Brain May 2010

There are assorted changes in the bones and brains, listed below:

  1. Synostosis of metopic suture showing wedge forehead (trigonocephaly) and sagittal suture (scaphocephaly). Coronal sutures are open.
  2. There are dysplastic bones in the occipital squama showing loculations and defects thru’ which bubbins of occipital brain-matter herniates.
  3. There is dysplastic bone change in the posterior fossa base; posterior fossa structures are asymmetric and crowded.
  4. Moderate ventriculomegaly, resulting from posterior fossa changes.


* Sutural synostosis, dysplastic occipital squama and posterior fossa and moderate
